Pictures of Klint
The beginning of Martinus Center. Martinus Center has exsisted for more than 50 years, having already quite
a long history. It began in 1932 when Martinus published the first volume
of "Livets bog", "The book of life". Following this
publication studygroups were formed and lectures given in Copenhagen and
throughout Denmark in the wintermonth. A group of those interested thought
however, it would be a good idea if they also could meet in the summer to
study Martinus` analyses. Martinus and Erik Gerner Larson, his first secretary
from 1929, began looking for an area of land of which they could build such
a meetingplace. In 1934 one of Martinus´ friends saw an advertisment,
for an area of land for sale in Klint, Nykøbing Sjælland, about
60 mile northwest of Cobenhagen. They went to see it and found it very suitable
for a center. It was beautifull situated for the cost.
Preface in English | 1. Pictures of Klint | 2. Houses | 3. Lecture hall | 4. Klintsøgård | 5. Sale of land | 6. Villa Rosenberg
7. Literature | 8. Symbols | 9. Cosmos | 10. Preparation | 11. Lectures | 12. Education | 13. Helpers | 14. Friendship
15. Vegetarian food | 16. Creativity | 17. No membership | 18. Future | 19. Language | 20. New world culture
21. Development | 22. New world picture | 23. Everything is alive | 24. List of literature